Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Third Trimester update

So I haven't posted in a few days, mostly due to the terribleness of trimester three. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and will fill you in on what a delight (sarcasm implied) this week has been. Until then I figured I should at least give an excuse for my absence.
The past 2 weeks haven't been ALL bad. There have been rays of sunshine in the stormy symptoms of T3 so in efforts to focus on the positive....

1. We visited Tim's home town, Rock Bluff, for Labor Day weekend. (Iv honestly wanted to make a joke about LABOR Day, all week and my overworked brain cells haven't been coming up with anything clever so... I digress and will move on, only slightly defeated). We didn't take a lot of pictures, our picture people skills haven't improved much in the past few weeks but we did have a great time.
Tim spent a good amount of time on the John Deer riding mower, which he thoroughly enjoyed and I went on a nature hike with my Garnet (his high school colors, garnet and gold) scarf and Piggly Wiggly water. lol 
We got to spend time with his family, some of whom haven't seen me since I started growing a small person and his grandmother who is celebrating her 83rd birthday this week. 

2. In other exciting news, I purchased my diaper bag!!!. I am pretty excited about it. After searching for the perfect bag to fit my style and needs, I think this is the one. 
I found it on Etsy, so I haven't seen it up close yet but I'll probably post about it when it comes in so look out for it in the next few weeks. 

3. Im starting to put together my hospital bag and on an unrelated trip to Target (this always happens, go in for 1 thing, leave with 10), I found the cutest Mama & Mini Pajamas.

Set 1. Purple polka dot Gillian & O'Malley set and Purple polka-dot Circo short sleeve Onsie (came in a pack with 4 other Misc colored onsie's) 
Set 2: Gillian O'Malley Sleep Shirt in Crystal Pink and a long sleeve crystal pink and grey onsie (came in a pack with 2 other long sleeved onsies)
I cant wait to wear our matching Pj's. Im hoping they will still fit my ever growing body in a few weeks. 

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