Thursday, March 28, 2013

Week 8

Its spring break!!!
With all of my time off this week I was hoping to start writing my homemade chalkboard
 But as you can see, there was a little tear in my plan
Note to self: painting on glass without first sanding= disaster 

Regardless, this week Tim and I went to Jamaica! It was Tim's first time out of the country and a long over-do trip for me. We had a great time (minus the bumpy roads which left me praying my little blueberry liked roller coaster rides). In our short 3 days we spent time in Kingston, Castleton Gardens, Clarendon and Oche Rios where we visited Little Dunn's River, and Mystic Mountain.
We even brought home a souvenir for our little world traveler.

The day after we returned from our trip was my 8 week check-up and I got another great picture to add to my spring break memories
The large round object to the right of my little kidney bean is one of the fibroids... wooo saaaa

How far along? 8 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 2 pounds (Started at 128, dropped to 126 in week 6, now at 130)

Maternity clothes? Nope

Stretch marks? No but I started lotioning today so I hope that remains my answer
Sleep: Sleeping fine but starting to have some strange dreams

Best moment this week: Tim talking to Baby B about nonsense of course but it was adorable just the same 

Have you told family and friends: No. I am hoping to wait until my next Dr's appt in 4 weeks!! Lets see how well that goes.

Miss Anything? Being able to eat without fear of nausea 

Movement: None

Food cravings: Sour and salty.... I literally put a pickle on top of a Dill pickle potato chip yesterday and was in heaven

Anything making you queasy or sick: EVERYTHING! The thought of foods is enough to make my stomach turn
Have you started to show yet: definitely looking chubby but no baby bump

Gender prediction: Not guessing.... as of yet

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: The end of morning sickness so I can enjoy feeding Baby B nutritiously and my 12 week appt ultrasound pictures. 

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